Ansible itech offers scalable and elastic cloud-based IT solutions to external customers by deploying shared physical resources accessible over public networks such as the Internet. Users can have easy access to IT resources with reduced prices to manage their ongoing infrastructure and data center facilities. Ansible itech Cloud comes with a comprehensive 24×7 personalised support model and an extensive set of managed services. It simplifies your transition to the cloud, enables you to manage your capacity needs dynamically and adapt quickly to changing business requirements.
Key Features of Public Cloud Servers Hosting
- Scalability – Public cloud computing ensures on-demand availability of resources; thanks to an array of shared physical resources. You can also scale the operations to accommodate more applications, and run them seamlessly without any service interruptions.
- Cost-Effectiveness – Public cloud hosting services allow users to combine greater levels of resources to cater to larger operating needs. The centralized management of the underlying resources is shared across each of the subsequent services, allowing customers to save big bucks on physical infrastructure.
- Utility costing – Deploying public cloud services allows you to employ a pay-per-use charging model for your customers. They are able to access the resources as per requirement, and then pay for what they utilized, avoiding any waste of capacity.
- Reliability – Public cloud server model involves numerous servers and network topologies, incorporated into a single design. The model has redundant configurations that provide impeccable fault tolerance and failover capabilities. Even if a data center goes offline, there is no disruption in services.
- Flexibility – IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services deliver comprehensive IT-based solutions to both private and enterprise clients. Organizations and businesses also have the option to create hybrid clouds by integrating their public cloud services with private clouds.